This is a picture of Winston in the movie 1984. Winston is 39 years old and works as a records editor in Records Department at the Ministry of Truth. He drinks and smokes, and has terrible coughing fits in the morning. Maybe he should lay off the cigs. He also hates group exercise, has an itchy swollen ulcer on his leg, and likes to write which leads him to spend much of his time jotting down what he learns about the real past and musing on his rebellious tendencies in a secret journal he keeps in an alcove in his room that escapes the watchful surveillance of the telescreen. More than anything, Winston seeks the unadulterated truth, and the only way to attain that is by rebelling against the totalitarian rule of the Party
You can also see a portrait of Big Brother watching Winston's back, symbolizing that whenever you think he's not there, he's watching every move and decision you make.
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